About this Blog

After reading the book 365: A Daily Creativity Journal: Make Something Every Day and Change Your Life!
I decided to start a project and create something every day for a year. I decided to use index cards because they are small, cheap and have lots of potential. They also travel well should I need to work away from my home office.
There are no rules. I can use any media, I can work in 2-D or 3-D. Whatever I think up or feel like making that day goes.
I am going to try to get each Index Card (IC) to represent the day/mood/feeling/event if I can.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 91 3/31/12

Intrigued by the star that just appeared yesterday in the overlapping triangles, I decided to try again and do 5 triangles. Not sure I like the result

Day 90 3/30/12

Wow 90 days. That's like 1/4 of the year. Not sure it's been life changing yet but it's been fun.
Today is random triangles just because.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 89 - 3/29/12

In keeping with the spirit of the blog, I took an index card and two markers from my desk and just started doodling. I had just made the key for 3 forms of a logarithm test. Not sure if that influenced the swirls or not. I think I missed my calling as a shower curtain designer.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 87 - 3/27/12

My mother taught me about the color wheel. Primary and secondary and complimentary colors. I just love rainbows and spectrums of color

Day 86 - 3/26/12

Watching Dancing with the Stars. My guilty pleasure. This started out as the tango but I blanked and turned it into the waltz

Day 85 - 3/25/12

Wow. It's like a monsoon hit. At least that's how it sounds

Day 84 3/25/12

My latest time waster

Day 83 - 3/23/12

I've drawn these since elementary school. I love how it is all straight lines but look curved.

Day 82 - 3/22/12

So, yesterday was the first day of spring but I was inspired to do this today when I found the calligraphy pen which looks brown until you put it on paper then it looked peachy

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 81 - 3/21/12

I know it's free and I shouldn't complain but I didn't want timeline. I think timeline is confusing.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 80 - 3/20/12

Seems I got cut from the LC budget at Cerritos. Will probably still get one class but it looks like I may gain time but lose money soon.

Day 79 - 3/19/12

St Joseph day. The day the swallows come back to capistrano.
Spent the day at his house with one of my favorite people

Day 78 - 3/18/12

Closing night of OOTI. A night I will always cherish. We told the story.

Day 77 - 3/17/12

St Patrick's day

Day 76 - 3/16/12

The day of the benefit finally arrived. So many magical moments. So many people I love in one place. I had no tears

Day 75 - 3/15/12

Beware the Ides of March.

Day 74 - 3/14/12

Pi day!!!!

Day 73 - 3/13/12

Started work on the cartoon for the kids in OOTI. This is how mapped it out. We moved the set out today after the school performances. So good to spend time with Nicole even of she didn't bring brownies.

Day 72 3/12/12

First work day of daylights saving time is always the worst. Heading to work in the dark and heading to Zumba in the light = weird. Got my taxes done though

Day 71 - 3/11/12

Actually found time to get a haircut before heading to SJ

Day 70 - 3/10/12

Every performance, I drop what I'm doing to run in and watch the frogs during Mama Will Provide

Day 69 - 3/9/12

First night working box office for OOTI. First time using Vendini for tickets.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Day 68 - 3/8/12

We moved the set back in and I tripped over the island. Luckily it was not caught on video, but this is what you might have seen.

Day 67 - 3/7/12

March 7th was a Wednesday, it meant I went back to Zumba after a week. I skipped Monday because I stayed for rehearsal. It was painful.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 66 - 3/6/12

We had to dismantle my beautiful set. We folded the giant tarp. It took many people.

Day 65 - 3/5/12

Stayed late for rehearsal. Just loving being part of this production. This is a stylized version of the floor of the set.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 64 - 3/4/12

It was a very busy but fun weekend. This is a list of some of the things I accomplished. And happy birthday Hank.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Day 63 - 3/3/12

Went to Stars on Ice for the 14th year in a row with Sheri. This was from my favorite number with just four guys and four lights.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Day 62 3/2/11

Today's index card was used as a list for the chapter review for my honors class. I realize this is cheating as i didn't really "create" anything but I'm behind in the blog so I'm using it

Day 61 - 3/1/12

Not sure where it will show this as being posted but I'm playing catch up. I'm going to try to do 2 cards per day until i'm back on track..
This is actually one of three I plan to post tonight (3/13)
I have a cup of straws, one for each night of my late late class (I enjoy teaching it but hate the hours)
red was for February, yellow for March, green for April and blue for May.
As of today, all the red is gone.

Day 60 - 2/29/12

More designs for once on this island. Sketched from memory.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 59 - 2/28/12

Doodles from the in-service that we ended up using on the set